
正在顯示 11 至 20 筆資料(共 23 筆資料)
Has CityU made up its mind on how to deal with the looming crisis of the budget crunch, in the face of cutbacks in government funding? Is delinking our salaries from those of the civil service, with a consequential cut in our paychecks, already on the cards? If you have paid attention to what our President, Professor H K Chang, has said to the newspapers over the past few days, the answers seem to have been set in stone.
Plot the path of your professional education at CityU from our newly published Prospectus for Postgraduate Programmes 2003 Entry, your guide to our pioneering programmes designed to keep your finger on the pulse of the changing needs of time.
City University's Run Run Shaw Library has received a donation of more than 100 valuable titles covering a wide variety of Western art. The mostly rare, out-of-print editions were donated by Donald Stone, Professor of English at City University of New York. The books will be on display in the Library until January 17.
圖書館現正展出逾100本西方美術書籍,該批書籍是紐約市立大學Donald Stone教授的捐贈,大多已是絕版的珍貴藏書。



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