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Putonghua learners now will be able to master the tones and intonation more accurately thanks to new online Putonghua learning software developed by Ms Sze Mei, Lecturer in CityU's Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, and Dr Peng Gang, Research Fellow of the Department of the Electronic Engineering.
CityU’s Industrial Attachment Scheme celebrated another successful year, 23 September, with a HK$930,000 donation to the IAS from the Drs Richard Charles and Esther Yewpick Lee Charitable Foundation.
CityU's endeavours to tap into the scientific and technological potential of the Pearl River Delta are based on a two-pronged approach. In May this year, the University opened its Zhuhai Applied Research Centres, making it the first local tertiary institution to set up a research base in Guangdong's Southern Software Park, on the western side of the river estuary.



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