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CityU “HK Tech 300” presents 1st two rounds of seed fund of HK$6.5 million and establishes science and technology innovation investment platform
城大於3月宣佈撥出5億港元推行的大型創新創業計劃HK Tech 300後,7月29日進行了HK Tech 300種子基金頒發儀式,總款額高達港幣650萬。
 CityU researcher wins distinguished materials science award
CityU's plan to seek an initial public offering of TeleEye Holdings Ltd on Hong Kong's Growth Enterprise Market attracted around 50 people to a press conference on 23 April.
While many scholars turn democracy into a gigantic, often culturally specific package of political and economic arrangements, Professor Edward Rubin, Professor of Law of the University of Pennsylvania, offered a different approach in his public lecture on 9 April. He pointed out that democracy consists of pragmatic political arrangements that align the incentives of government officials with the desires of people.
One of the leading experts in steel structures believes that in the wake of the World Trade Centre (WTC) attacks in September 2001, teaching building and engineering students how to analyse the behaviour of structures is very important.
The chances of a major fire in one of Hong Kong's skyscrapers are remote. Regular drills, state-of-the-art fire fighting systems and a regiment of highly-trained firemen mean the kind of fire Paul Newman had to deal with in the film Towering Inferno is unlikely.



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