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In his first public speech since retirement less than three months ago, Mr Tsang Yam Pui, former Commissioner of Hong Kong Police, told an audience of some 300 business executives on 26 February that a leader requires "wisdom, courage and heart."
The School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE) and the Faculty of Business participated in the Education and Careers Expo, held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 19 to 22 February. The Expo showcased a wide range of CityU's continuing education and business Master's degree programmes to meet the market's growing demands.
城大華人管理研究中心與香港經濟日報及亞洲知識管理學會於3月19日合辦的知識管理在香港研討會暨Knowledge Management : The Key to Success in the 21st Century出版發佈會,吸引了逾百位本地學者及工商界人士出席,探討有關香港知識管理的應用和發展。
Five local economists presented their views on the Hong Kong government's budget for 2002-2003 at a special economic forum hosted by CityU's APEC Study Centre on 7 March.



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