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In early September CityU embarked on a proactive plan to implement Outcomes Based Teaching and Learning in all academic programmes with a series of workshops and a new website encouraging staff to participate in this new initiative.
In a display of its commitment to the advancement of teaching and research in the region, IBM China/Hong Kong Ltd has donated an e-business software package worth more than HK$14 million to CityU.
CityU's Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management (MEEM) has signed a multi-million dollar agreement with Dassault Systemes and MTECH Engineering Co Ltd that will help boost innovation, productivity and competitiveness in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Pearl River Delta region.
A handbook for university students -- written by university students -- is now available at the First-Year Student Support Centre from 10 to 28 September.
Ada Chan Hiu Kei, a third-year student in the computer engineering stream of the Department of Electronic Engineering, wishes the industrial training programme in which she is participating could be longer than it is now. "I also think that the scheme should be extended to students from other faculties as well," she says.



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