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TEA 2021
Landmark ceremony marks ‘Commencement’ for graduating students
Alumni’s caring spirit flourishes at CityU
CityU wins 12 awards at Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days, the highest number among all universities in Hong Kong
 Talents programme launched at CityU for nurturing future leaders
Leaders Circle strengthens university-industry collaboration and fundraising capacities
Raymond Li, Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader at the Division of Building Science and Technology in the College of Higher Vocational Studies, has been re-elected Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Building, Hong Kong (CIOBHK) for 2001-02.
CityU's Faculty of Business and City University Business School in London have signed a five-year student exchange agreement that will see three undergraduates from each school spend a full academic study year at the other's university.
A documentary line produced by Ms Nancy Tong, Assistant Professor and Industry Liaison with the School of Creative Media (SCM), has won a Peabody Award, the most renowned prize in broadcast journalism. HBO's Cancer: Evolution to Revolution won the award for the informative and positive way the programme deals with cancer.
How many times have you said this to yourself: "I have such a lot of desk work to deal with--how can I spare time to read?" Indeed, we are all busy workers, but as President H K Chang has so often pointed out, we must also take time to develop our minds?ot only in our areas of expertise, but in other disciplines as well.



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