
正在顯示 1 至 10 筆資料(共 13 筆資料)
The summer of 2003 proved to be very rewarding for 40 Associate Degree students who participated in a nine-week career exposure programme that placed them in organizations such as the Society of Boys' Centre, Hong Kong Student Aid Society, and Princess Margaret Hospital. Most experiencing full-time work for the first time, the students found the programme an eye-opening in terms of career and personal development.
Which variables have been proven to cause the failure of an organization — discrimination based on ethnicity, or discrimination based on work values?
A "New Media Communication Workshop and Competition" organized by the Department of English and Communication (EN) will be held 25 October, (Saturday). This event has been developed expressly to introduce some Web page design and production techniques, as well as a taste of university life, to Form 6 and 7 students.
What do you think a part-time job means for university students? Simply earning a subsidy to support their studies? Definitely, there is more than money for participants in CityU's Service Learning Initiative (SLI)-they gain experience and skills that become assets for their future endeavors.
CityU and Hewlett Packard (HP) Hong Kong Ltd have joined forces in an effort to teach the ins and outs of mobile-commerce (m-commerce) to industry leaders. The Division of Commerce and HP offered the first m-commerce certificate course in January.
Ready as always to aid the people of Hong Kong, CityU is working hard to establish a community college that will help meet the expected boom in tertiary students over the next decade. Universities today face a number of challenges. Changing societal needs, rising expectations about education, economic developments, and technological advances all help shape the role of academic institutions.



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