
正在顯示 101 至 105 筆資料(共 105 筆資料)
城大將於2月17日舉行本年度傑出講座系列第一講,邀得英國蘇瑞大學前任校長Patrick Dowling教授分享他在「通往一流應用研究大學之路」的獨特見解。
Professor Xu Jialu, Vice-Chairman of the 10th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and renowned linguist, delivered a Distinguished Lecture titled “Zen, an exemplar of the compatibility of China and foreign cultures” at the Wei Hing Theatre, 18 October, 2004.
The Vice-Chairman of the 10th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and renowned linguist, Professor Xu Jialu, will be on campus to host a distinguished lecture on Zen, 18 October, 2004.
One of the mainland's top State Council researchers told a CityU seminar on 1 February that China's World Trade Organization (WTO) membership will breed new economic opportunities as well as a number of stresses for the country.



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