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International Conference on Applied Mathematics 2023
城大舉辦「2023年國際應用數學會議」,雲集全球多位傑出數學家,探討應用數學領域的最新發展及交流研究心得,並頒發William Benter應用數學獎予Michael S. Waterman教授及Thomas J.R. Hughes教授,表彰其運用數學於跨學科研究的卓越成就。
Eminent US mathematicians awarded CityU’s William Benter Prize
城大頒授「William Benter應用數學獎」予兩位顯赫的數學家,以表彰他們對運用數學解決跨學科問題作出重大貢獻。
CityU welcomes research degree students
How can postgraduate students, immersed in academic research, relate their knowledge to the real world and develop a fruitful career? What problems confront them? The Postgraduate Forum: Career Development and Practical Application of Academic Research, jointly organized by the School of Graduate Studies and the CityU Postgraduate Association, attempted to provide some directions to these questions on 17 March.



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