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CityU expert in veterinary epidemiology granted Lifetime Achievement Award
城大周德豐講座教授(健康一體化)兼健康一體化及政策應用研究中心主任Dirk Pfeiffer教授獲頒享譽國際的施瓦伯獎(Calvin W. Schwabe Award)。
PhD student Mr Mei Yongfeng has won the 2004 Young Scientist Award from the European Materials Research Society in recognition of his outstanding research in microelectronics technology.
Academic departments will need to go through the evaluation process for the Reward Scheme to Maximize Students' Learning once every three years, instead of once every year. Moreover, it has been proposed that the amount of the award should be $3 million, or 10 per cent of the current departmental annual budget, whichever is less.



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