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On 27th, March, CityU students excelled once again in the 6th Intervarsity Putonghua Recitation Contest.
對法語濃厚的興趣和持續不懈的努力為一批成績優異的學生在4月24日的城大第四屆法語頒獎典禮上贏得了法國駐香港總領事館和勃艮弟大學( Universite de Bourgogne)頒發的各種獎項。
Four final-year students of the School of Creative Media (SCM) produced a three-minute trailer for “Le French May” this year. With appreciation from the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong, Mr Julian Lee, SCM Assistant Professor and the project supervisor, takes pride in the expert output. He confidently assures people in the creative media industry that CityU students are capable of producing innovative and professional work.



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