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Over 450 Form 7 students flocked to IT workshops offered by CityU's Division of Computer Studies, from 20 July to 8 August, 2004. They gained hands-on experience working with programmes such as Java.
Associate Degree students participating in the Community College's Career Exposure Programme won high praise from employers and realized that skills acquired in different workplace settings are transferable.
Director of feature film "The Big Fix" (1978) and TV series "Ally McBeal" (1997), among others, USC Professor Jeremy Kagan ran a Directing Intensive course at CityU's School of Creative Media, 3 to 13 August 2004.
The FSE Summer Day Camp offers secondary school students a chance to experience what learning at university level is like.
Sixteen students from the Department of Computer Science participated in a 10-day study tour to America’s Silicon Valley, 30 May to 8 June, 2004.
This summer, 70 students took part in the summer internship programme, organized by the Student Development Services Career Centre. They have gained valuable experience working in 22 companies in Beijing and Shanghai.
Students of CityU's School of Creative Media (SCM) are making their mark on the local and the international scene. Hamlet Lin Yiu-bong and Chan Tze-him, year three and year two SCM students respectively, showcased their media production and creative narration skills in the recent Radio Hong Kong Television (RTHK) Putonghua Festival Short Movie Contest.
The demand for knowledge of international accounting rules and practices, coupled with a desire to improve their English language skills, has prompted the accounting professionals in the mainland China to look for quality programmes with an international slant.
CityU's achievements in education have received high praise in the second round Teaching and Learning Quality Process Review (TLQPR). "There is an underlying and comprehensive quality assurance structure in place at CityU, that draws on a culture of evidence," said the Panel in the TLQPR Report.



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