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海洋技術科學家Alexander Scherbatyuk博士9月15日主持城大學傑出講座,題為「自主海洋載具的流動導航及集體行動」。
法國科學院院長Sèbastien Candel教授9月13日主持「法國-香港傑出講座」,指出科學家一直致力提升燃燒技術。
美國史丹福大學Stephen P. Boyd教授9月12日主持高等研究院傑出講座,指出凸優化的特定領域語言於多項研究項目和行業應用上廣泛實踐。
Mr C Raj Kumar, Deputy Director of City University's WTO Law and Dispute Resolution Centre and lecturer in the School of Law, has been awarded a research grant by Japan's Sumitomo Foundation. Mr Kumar's grant was in the category of Fiscal 2002 Grant for Japan-Related Research Projects. The title of his research topic is: "Corruption and Human Rights-Promoting Transparency in Governance in Hong Kong, Japan and India".
The first panel session in the symposium "Islam in Southeast Asia and China: Regional Faithlines and Faultlines in the Global Ummah" focused on faithlines in the Islamic community, with particular reference to China and Southeast Asia. Speakers came from a range of disciplines, including sociology, theology, philosophy, political science, and history.
Abstract concepts of physics and mathematics are hardly the kind of topics that fill a room and thrill on audience. Professor Sir Michael Berry's lecture on the "seven wonders of physics" at City University on 18 February was, however, nothing short of a small wonder itself. Not only was the Multi-Media Conference Room packed to the brim with an audience of 500, many of whom had travelled from other universities across the city, but every pair of eyes stayed glued to the charismatic speaker.



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