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Hong Kong people are more likely to work overtime without complaint than people in Shanghai and Taipei, but they derive less sense of pride from their work, a recent CityU survey showed. The researchers warn that the lack of appreciation Hong Kong people receive for their work might impair their competitiveness in the long term, though they a enjoy competitive edge in the short term, thanks to their willingness to work long hours.
在2002年7月才剛剛從澳洲梅鐸大學抵港作為期六個月交換生的Tomas Collins,對城大及香港的生活感到十分興奮。現正修讀公共及社會行政學系三年級課程的Tomas說:「這真是一次大開眼界的生活體驗。我對香港及本地學生能說多種語言留下特別深刻的印象。在澳洲,英語是通用語言,但城大的同學都卻能說流利的英語、廣東話及普通話。」



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