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太古可口可樂香港有限公司最近捐贈港幣十萬元予城大的Smart Asset Management (SAM) Laboratory,以支持該中心獨特的儀器測試與預測系統(Smart Asset Maintenance System (SAMS@))。
An international symposium promoting the exchange of ideas on the economic, political social and cultural developments arising from the changing relations between China and Southeast Asia was held at CityU March 24-25. "China and Southeast Asia: Challenges, opportunities and the reconstruction of Southeast Asian Chinese ethnic capital" was co-organized by CityU's Southeast Asia Research Centre (SEARC) and the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSAS) at Xiamen University.
The future is already knocking on our door in the guise of nanotechnology, and Mr Shimon Peres has the vision to open that door. "Today's Advancements — Tomorrow's Future, The Role of Economic, Technological and Scientific Development in Today's World" was the title of a lecture by Mr Shimon Peres, Israel's Former Prime Minister and Nobel Peace Laureate, delivered at City University of Hong Kong, the morning of 5 March. He also toured the University's laboratories.
Seventy academics and professionals from more than 10 countries in the Asia Pacific region and the US shared their knowledge and best practices in business management at the 8th Asia Pacific Management Conference at City University and the South China University of Technology from 15-17 November.
"Whatever you do, do it with your best." By a spirit of perseverance, Mr Kenji Yum Tsz-yin, an electronic engineering graduate this year, clinched the championship in the IEE Hong Kong Young Members Section Paper Contest 2002 with his paper "Novel Sub-harmonically Pumped Mixers Incorporating Spiral Compact Microstrip Resonant Cells for Low Cost Wireless Communications Subsystems". The eight finalists in the contest are all PhD students, except Kenji.



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