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Pivotal breakthrough in adapting perovskite solar cells for renewable energy published in Science
城大學者在研發改良鈣鈦礦太陽能電池方面取得重大突破,將為可再生能源發展帶來重要影響。 城大的創新發明可促進鈣鈦礦太陽能電池商業化,令我們早日達致由可持續來源驅動的節能未來。
CityU develops a Caregiver Support Model to help tackle the challenges of taking care of frail older adults
城大社會及行為科學系領導的團隊,成功研發一套科學化及全面的護老者支援模式(Caregiver Support Model, CSM),並透過心理教育計劃「再走一步」提升護老者的能力,助他們面對照顧長者過程中的挑戰。
CityU and the US Congress were linked this week through video conferencing facilities as the University played host to the first American Studies Institute in Asia (ASIA) seminar.
CityU's Enterprise Knowledge Integration and Transfer (E-KIT) Laboratory in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management is also making a significant contribution to strengthening Hong Kong's role as a logistics hub.
In his 2001 Policy Address, Hong Kong's Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee-hwa, announced the Logistics Hong Kong initiative, which aims to strengthen Hong Kong's status as the preferred regional and international logistics hub, linking the China's mainland with the rest of the world.
Acertain Fred Smith received little encouragement at university. His brainchild, which eventually revolutionized the delivery of packages and information, began life as a final year project at Yale University. Mr Smith, FedEx founder and CEO, received a C for that project. His ideas were considered logistically unfeasible.



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