
正在顯示 1 至 6 筆資料(共 6 筆資料)
CityUHK develops world-leading microwave photonics chip for ultrahigh-speed signal processing
CityUHK survey on the impact of Japan’s nuclear wastewater
Goats can distinguish happy from angry individuals by human voice alone
由城大賽馬會動物醫學及生命科學院傳染病及公共衞生學系Alan McElligott教授聯合領導的研究團隊在一項研究中發現,山羊能夠由聲音辨別人類開心與憤怒的情緒,顯示山羊在與人類長期相處的過程中,可能已經形成了對人類聲音信號的敏感性。
In his 2001-2002 budget speech, the Financial Secretary said it is imperative that Hong Kong "continue to enhance our corporate governance" as an international financial centre, even though this standard is among the highest in the region.
Hong Kong has never been short of indices, particularly in the economic and business arena. We have, for example, the Hang Seng Index to gauge the volatility of its stock market. CityU's Department of Management Sciences, in co-operation with Centaline Property Agency Ltd, produces the Centaline Index to record the ups and downs of the local residential property market.
The world of e-commerce is changing at the speed of light. Companies boom and go bust in the blink of an eye. New business strategies come and go like whirlwinds. Everyone involved in e-business, from theorists to practitioners, have a difficult time keeping up with the latest developments, let alone share their experience and wisdom with others.



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