
正在顯示 81 至 89 筆資料(共 89 筆資料)
The Department of Electronic Engineering and the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology are putting their best faces-and finest research projects-forward at the Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2001.
For years, the thin gauze of atmosphere surrounding the earth hampered astronomers from studying the most distant stars in our cosmos. But the Hubble Space Telescope, fixed in the clarity of space, has lifted that veil. It is our outpost to the universe.
With plenty of buzz over Bluetooth wireless technology and mobile systems in our technology-driven lives, CityU's Department of Electronic Engineering seized the opportunity last week to promote its own power electronics and wireless communications developments at the Hong Kong Information Infrastructure Expo.
The University has identified new areas of strategic interest in both inter- and multidisciplinary research, with the setting up of three new Faculty Research Centres: Centre for Chaos Control and Synchronization, Centre for Media Technology, and Southeast Asia Centre . With these additions, the number of faculty research centres at CityU now totals 10.



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