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城大與清華大學合辦的MPA+ EMBA學位課程8月24日在北京舉行首屆開學典禮。城大校長郭位教授在典禮上發表演說,鼓勵學生營商時應顧及社會責任。
SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) tend to seek short-term survival strategies in an economic downturn. However, such strategies are not good enough to support a business in the long term.
A select group of 107 form seven students recently had their very first taste of university life thanks to the Business Leadership Camp organized by the Faculty of Business. The camp was held 27 and 28 June, one week before the release of Hong Kong's Advanced Level Examination results. The participants were impressed by the academic excellence of the Faculty and of CityU. Many expressed an interest in joining the Faculty in September.



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