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Renowned Turkish writer, Mr Orhan Pamuk, concluded the Distinguished Lecture Series with a discussion on Ottoman painting and the influence of Western art on Eastern painting—the predominant theme of his prize winning novel, My Name Is Red. His lecture attracted a full house at the Wei Hing Theatre, 25 November.
Professor Zhu Qingshi, President of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), talked about Chinese traditional culture and the advancement of science in a lecture titled “Dialogue between Technology and Culture in Everyday life", 19 November, organized by the Chinese Civilisation Centre to celebrate CityU's 20th anniversary.
On 20 November, CityU alumni from different fields of studies and years of graduation rejoined at the University to celebrate the 20th anniversary. They were unified in their support for the alma mater at the Alumni Banquet and shared the insights of a successful leader at the Leaders’ Forum.
Two CityU enterprises have been recognized for excellence in industrial performance. e.Energy Technology Ltd and Plasma Technology Ltd were awarded at the presentation ceremony of the 2004 Hong Kong Awards for Industry, 15 November.
CityU’s Dean of Research and Graduate Studies and Professor (Chair) of Mathematics Professor Roderick Wong has received France’s highest honour - Chevalier dans l’Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur.
CityU is to break the Guinness World Records with a dragon painting composed of more than 10,000 hand prints. Staff, students, alumni and CityU friends printed their palm images on a giant canvas on 14 November, the “action day” of City Dragon, a festive highlight of CityU’s 20th Anniversary. The partially completed part which measures more than 300 square metres, has already met the Guinness break–record requirement of 210 square metres.
A record 7,556 students receive their academic awards during the 19th congregation, 9 to 13 November, 2004.
Jointly organized by CityU's School of Law, the Legal and Judicial Training Centre of the Macao SAR, and the French Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macao, "Present and Future of Civil Law in Greater China — Conference on the 200th Anniversary of the French Civil Code" takes place 9-10 November, 2004.
The University has identified six possible sites for the construction of the Community College of City University (CCCU) building on campus and is now in the process of seeking university-wide consultation.
The Proud of 20 team completed the 100-km charity walk,7 November, making a record for CityU. Proud of 20 completed a 100-km charity walk early Sunday morning on 7 November, achieving a record when 30 CityU staff, alumni and students walked in unison across the finishing line.



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