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近年,由於越來越多研究強調奧米加三脂肪酸對人體的重要,市面上出現了不少含有這種成分的健康食品。DHA( 二十二碳文稀酸)是奧米加三脂肪酸中的一個主要成員,由於得到傳媒廣泛宣傳為有助嬰兒腦部發育,又可保護成年人的血液循環系統,已被視為有助提高聰慧的元素。
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an emerging technology expected to bring revolutionary development in the supply chain sector. A forum on “Advances in RFID Technology" at CityU on 30 March attracted over 100 academics, industrialists and business professionals craving new knowledge in the field.
Seventy academics and professionals from more than 10 countries in the Asia Pacific region and the US shared their knowledge and best practices in business management at the 8th Asia Pacific Management Conference at City University and the South China University of Technology from 15-17 November.
"Whatever you do, do it with your best." By a spirit of perseverance, Mr Kenji Yum Tsz-yin, an electronic engineering graduate this year, clinched the championship in the IEE Hong Kong Young Members Section Paper Contest 2002 with his paper "Novel Sub-harmonically Pumped Mixers Incorporating Spiral Compact Microstrip Resonant Cells for Low Cost Wireless Communications Subsystems". The eight finalists in the contest are all PhD students, except Kenji.



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