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CityU Survey: Nearly 60% respondents prefer the “0+7” quarantine arrangement for inbound travellers
城大媒體與傳播系一項調查發現,受訪者傾向支持縮短入境人士的酒店強制檢疫天數 ,近六成受訪者希望實施「0+7」模式。
If a group of management sciences professors at City University have their way, the Centa-City Index, a winner of CityU's prestigious Applied Research Excellence Awards in 2001, may become as widely accepted and creditable as the Hang Seng Index in measuring the territory's economic health.
Research and postgraduate education were the focus of CityU's ninth University Development Forum, held on 18 September. The open presentation gave four focus groups the opportunity to present their observations and members of staff the opportunity to provide feedback on the recommendations.



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