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In an effort to strengthen its academic ties with universities and research institutes, City University of Hong Kong President, Professor H K Chang, is leading a CityU delegation to the mainland. The visit runs from 23 to 28 April.
The College's Division of Language Studies (LS) received a donation of $100,000 from Soka Gakkai International of Hong Kong Ltd at a presentation ceremony held at CityU on 18 April.
A television documentary produced by a professor at the School of Creative Media (SCM) has won a prestigious Peabody Award, the most renowned prize in broadcast journalism.
CityU's 15th Anniversary Commemorative Album, titled Towards a New Era of Excellence, has won the 2000 Premier Print Award, also known as the Benny Award, in the "School Yearbook" category. The Benny Award, organized by the Printing Industries of America, Inc, is the largest and most prestigious competition in the printing industry worldwide.



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