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Pivotal breakthrough in adapting perovskite solar cells for renewable energy published in Science
城大學者在研發改良鈣鈦礦太陽能電池方面取得重大突破,將為可再生能源發展帶來重要影響。 城大的創新發明可促進鈣鈦礦太陽能電池商業化,令我們早日達致由可持續來源驅動的節能未來。
CityU develops a Caregiver Support Model to help tackle the challenges of taking care of frail older adults
城大社會及行為科學系領導的團隊,成功研發一套科學化及全面的護老者支援模式(Caregiver Support Model, CSM),並透過心理教育計劃「再走一步」提升護老者的能力,助他們面對照顧長者過程中的挑戰。
Lively dialectics about "Corruption, Good Governance and the Rule of Law" were manifested on 18 February in the School of Law Conference Room at City University of Hong Kong.
CityU's advanced know-how and technologies are making an impact on the socio-economic development on Hong Kong and the region. Two CityU subsidiary companies, CityU Enterprises Ltd and CityU Professional Services Ltd reported robust growth in 2004 at their joint annual dinner, on 2 February.
香港城市大學物理及材料科學系哲學博士研究生 ── 何沛怡與Peter Ha Cao-thang,榮獲由長江集團及澳洲政府共同設立的「長江澳洲毅進獎」,分別在澳洲與本港進行有關等離子體及類金剛石碳塗層的應用研究,再次證明城大在材料科學研究上的卓越成就。
A Seminar entitled "Fifteen Years after Public Sector Reform: Hong Kong's Public Management in Perspective" was held at CityU, 5 February, provoking thoughtful discussion on public sector reforms among the speakers and the audience of 160 participants from the Civil Service, private sector, and academia.



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