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William Benter純數及應用數學傑出講座系列第一講於1月26日在城大舉行,主講嘉賓為Paris-Sud大學及印第安那大學Bloomington分校Roger Temam教授,講題是「研究海洋與大氣層方程式的理論與計算問題」。
法國駐港領事館和城大在法國科學院的支持下主辦的傑出講座系列於1月19日揭開序幕,法國科學院院士、巴斯德研究所所長、法蘭西學院教授Philippe Kourilsky發表題爲「被忽略的疾病:研究、法規及道德所帶來的全球性問題」的應時講座。
The Technology Transfer Forum showcased CityU's latest updates on intelligent maintenance machinery and systems, 13 January.
城大法律學院 與中國政法大學最近聯合主辦一次研討會,來自不同領域的學長與業界人士就亞洲的貪污與管治問題交流意見。
In his 2001-2002 budget speech, the Financial Secretary said it is imperative that Hong Kong "continue to enhance our corporate governance" as an international financial centre, even though this standard is among the highest in the region.
Hong Kong has never been short of indices, particularly in the economic and business arena. We have, for example, the Hang Seng Index to gauge the volatility of its stock market. CityU's Department of Management Sciences, in co-operation with Centaline Property Agency Ltd, produces the Centaline Index to record the ups and downs of the local residential property market.
The world of e-commerce is changing at the speed of light. Companies boom and go bust in the blink of an eye. New business strategies come and go like whirlwinds. Everyone involved in e-business, from theorists to practitioners, have a difficult time keeping up with the latest developments, let alone share their experience and wisdom with others.



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