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Rarely has a cultural festival exuded so much energy and zest in its opening ceremony. On 29 March, the "Hanbok Exhibition" opened in CityU's Run Run Shaw Library not only with a static display of the exquisite Korean national costume, but also a dynamic and potent demonstration of the traditional Korean martial art, Tae Kwon Do. Students and staff were given a sample of the Korean culture, from two different sides.
Four students taking elective French courses at City University's Division of Language Studies gained valuable experience and self-confidence by participating in the first ever French speech-writing contest organized by the Consulate-General of France in Hong Kong.
The Admissions Office (ADMO), the Faculty of Business (FB) and the School of Graduate Studies joined hands to participate in the ninth China International Education Exhibition Tour (CIEET), from 21 February to 3 March, in Beijing, Shanghai, and Xiamen. The Tour has successfully fulfilled its mission of broadening the University's student recruitment base and developing long-term networks in the mainland.
The School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE) and the Faculty of Business participated in the Education and Careers Expo, held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 19 to 22 February. The Expo showcased a wide range of CityU's continuing education and business Master's degree programmes to meet the market's growing demands.
The French Section, Division of Language Studies received more than 120 books—easy-readings, comics, French classical and modern literature—from the Association pour la Diffusion Internationale Francophone de Livres, Ouvrages et Revues (ADIFLOR)
A select group of 107 form seven students recently had their very first taste of university life thanks to the Business Leadership Camp organized by the Faculty of Business. The camp was held 27 and 28 June, one week before the release of Hong Kong's Advanced Level Examination results. The participants were impressed by the academic excellence of the Faculty and of CityU. Many expressed an interest in joining the Faculty in September.



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