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CityU scientist among Top 50 AI+X Chinese Young Scholars

Three venture capital funds and technology companies join HK Tech 300
城大與三間創投基金及科技企業簽署備忘錄,建立共同投資合作夥伴關係,額外向獲甄選的「HK Tech 300」的初創公司,合共提供每年至少1,500萬港元的天使投資。
Novel meta-lens revolutionises conventional Vacuum UV optics technology
Loneliness among senior citizens spiked during 5th COVID outbreak
Prof Luk
Professor Xu Jialu, Vice-Chairman of the 10th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and renowned linguist, delivered a Distinguished Lecture titled “Zen, an exemplar of the compatibility of China and foreign cultures” at the Wei Hing Theatre, 18 October, 2004.
The Vice-Chairman of the 10th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and renowned linguist, Professor Xu Jialu, will be on campus to host a distinguished lecture on Zen, 18 October, 2004.
CityU's Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies held an international conference on pre-modern Asian and European law court cultures, 8-10 October.
As part of an ongoing Research Seminar Series, on 11 October 2004, Dr Betty Lee, of CityU's Department of English and Communication, shared her research findings on: "Hong Kong Consumers' Evaluation Process of Organizational Crisis".



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