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CityU awards 49 local start-ups up to HK$1million each under HK Tech 300 Angel Fund
城大於4月26日公佈首批獲HK Tech 300天使基金投資的初創公司名單,共有49間分別涵蓋生物和健康科技、深科技、資訊科技及人工智能、以及金融科技等範疇的初創公司,各獲得最高達港幣100萬元的天使基金投資。
CityU and ASTRI strengthen collaboration to support HK TECH 300 start-ups
城大與香港應用科技研究院深化合作,雙方簽署合作備忘錄,致力結合雙方的知識產權和研發實力,開展新的研究項目,並攜手協助城大的大型創新創業計劃「HK Tech 300」培育的科技初創企業發展業務,促進香港創科發展。
Just one week before their charity walk across the 100-km MacLehose Trail, the Proud of 20 team pledged at this year's CityU Banquet, 29 October,to make the University proud and appealed for more staff and students to help the group set a record for CityU.
The CityU Gallery presents 56 Ming and Qing Dynasty artworks from the Shen Zhen Museum, from now to 15 December, 2004.
The Library presents a Memorabilia Exhibition to mark the University's 20th anniversary, from now through December 2004.
CityU’s Associate Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (FHS), Dr Joshua Mok, will lead the newly established Centre for East Asian Studies (CEAS) at Bristol University, in January 2005, and embark on a new trilateral partnership among UK, the mainland and Hong Kong.
An eight-member delegation led by Professor Han Qide, Vice-Chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, visited CityU, 19 October, 2004.
城大校長張信剛教授在緊迫的行政事務中,仍不忘與學生分享知識。10月7日,在擠滿了100多位聽衆的 中國文化中心(CCIV)視聽室,張教授分享了他對「伊斯蘭教傳入中土」的見解與觀察。他說自己是從一個好奇的觀察者的角度講述有關題目的,吸引了穆斯林與非穆斯林、學生及學者前來聽講。
Olympic medalists Mr Li Ching and Mr Ko Lai-chak, together with their coach Mr Chan Kong-wah, shared their success with CityU staff and students, 9 October, 2004.
CityU announced plans for the Creative Media Centre—an inspirational building to mark Hong Kong’s leadership position in creative media education, on 8 October 2004.



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