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創意媒體學院學生蕭偉恒獲英國駐香港總領事館贊助,於今年5月去倫敦,跟隨英國《衛報》著名攝影記者Dan Chung 先生體驗攝影記者的工作。
創意媒體學院二年級學生廖慧蘭獲Reel Ideas Studio計劃挑選到法國康城影展觀摩學習,她於影展期間拍攝的紀錄片更贏得計劃的優秀紀錄片獎。
As Ms Caroline Hu Yee-man, a student in the School of Creative Media (SCM), rides through the city of Hong Kong on a ding ding (tram), memories and reflections are captured in her nine-minute experimental film, ReMembrance, which won her the Best Experimental Award in the 6th New York University International Student Film Festival (ISFF).
Two days of contention and solid deliberation by an international panel of judges ended on a high note as four victors emerged from the fray. Altogether, 37 parties from among internationally renowned designers and postgraduate design institutions had been invited to participate in the Shaw Prize International Design Competition, and entries rushed in from around the globe, including Britain, Germany, Japan, and the United States.



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