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The Centre for Electronic Packaging and Assemblies, Failure Analysis and Reliability Engineering (EPA Centre) was accredited in December 2003 by the Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) for its Ionic Analysis of Circuit Board, Ion Chromatography Method.
The education sector, Financial Secretary The Hon Henry Tang said, is not expected to meet the 11% across-the-board cut he proposed for all the other major 2005-08 outlays, to help the government tackle its growing budget deficits. He also promised that he will promptly discuss with Professor Arthur Li, Secretary for Manpower and Education, government allocations to the local universities in the 2005-08 triennium.
5月29日,納米科技的先驅、美國國家科學獎得主Mildred S Dresselhaus教授在城大舉行以「納米科技發展的最新動向」為題的傑出系列講座。
Marketing students were rewarded with prizes and a valuable experience through recent company visits to two leading mainland enterprises, Galanz Enterprise Group and Gree Air-Conditioner International Corporation Ltd.
The scientist who coined the term "quarks" to describe the fundamental building blocks of nature delivered a lecture on the simple and the complex in the universe at the Faculty of Science and Engineering's Distinguished Lecture Series.



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