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HK TECH Tiger student elites start their glittering journey at CityU
城大於9月29日在校內及網上舉行典禮,歡迎200名「HK TECH 老虎班」學生,他們將在成為未來領袖之路上展翅翱翔。
CityU educator receives UGC teaching award for promoting positive education
1.	Honorary Fellow 2021
CityU co-organises cross-border forum with French institutions to explore the “One Health” concept
「One Health @ CityU x France」跨國網上論壇匯集來自不同領域的專業人士,分別在兩個專題討論環節探討生物科技,及獸醫學和工程學對健康一體化的貢獻。
CityU excels on global top scientists list
根據史丹福大學最新公佈的排名指標,逾170位論文被高度引用的城大教研人員,被列為全球排名前2%科學家,反映大學極高的學術水平及卓越研究成就。 與大學教研人數相比,城大頂尖科學家比例之高,在亞洲大學中極爲突出。
Students champion sustainability in regional innovation competition
CityU English Anthem emphasising breakthrough thinking
城大推出英文校歌《Beyond Boundaries》,是較早前中文校歌《學研出塵》的另一國際語言版本,更是再創先河,推出兼具多種語言的校歌。
CityU co-organises international exhibition and forum with world-class universities to explore urbanism and urbanisation
More than just an opportunity to bolster CityU's image among mainland and international universities, China Education Expo 2001 is giving CityU the opportunity to recruit the mainland's best and brightest students.
In an effort to better understand the needs of today's students and to foster a deeper co-operative spirit with local secondary schools, CityU today welcomed five Hong Kong secondary school principals to the campus. Three of the visiting schools were also represented by three career masters.



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