CityU's Social Sciences departments win international recognition
The recognition once again reflects the top quality of CityU’s teaching and research. Citations of staff’s research publications are one of the criteria for selection.
The departments of Applied Social Studies (SS) and Public and Social Administration (SA) fall within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Programmes offered by SS include:
l BA (Hons) Social Work with minor in Counselling,
l BSocSc(Hons) Applied Sociology (East and
l BSocSc (Hons) – Criminology
l BSocSc (Hons) Psychology
l BSocSc (Hons) Social Work,
l MSocSc Counselling
l MSocSc Psychology of Education
l MSocSc Social Work, and
l PGD (Postgraduate Diploma) Psychology
Programmes offered by SA include:
l BA (Hons) Housing Studies
l BSocSc (Hons) Administration and Public Management
l BSocSc (Hons) Policy Studies and Administration, and
l MA Public Policy and Management.