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The Bicultural Self Symposium, co-organized by the Department of Applied Social Studies of the City University of Hong Kong and the Department of Psychology of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaigne, took place 16-17 August, 2004.
An exuberant lion dance symbolizing the spirit of youth, power, strength and vitality marked the opening of the “International Conference on Youth Empowerment: A Cross-cultural Exchange” organized by the Department of Applied Social Studies (SS) on 17 May. Over 300 practitioners, scholars and students in social services from 34 cities in 14 countries flocked to CityU to share their findings and experiences in youth empowerment studies and initiatives at the conference that lasts until 20 May.
Hong Kong people are more likely to work overtime without complaint than people in Shanghai and Taipei, but they derive less sense of pride from their work, a recent CityU survey showed. The researchers warn that the lack of appreciation Hong Kong people receive for their work might impair their competitiveness in the long term, though they a enjoy competitive edge in the short term, thanks to their willingness to work long hours.
Arecent addition to the CityU scene, the Southeast Asia Research Centre (SEARC) is fast gaining a reputation as a unique research institution. Inaugurated in February 2001, the Centre has spent the past 10 months hiring new staff-one senior research fellow is already on board and there are two others on their way-receiving and funding research applications, putting a series of working papers on its website and offering a range of seminars.



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