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Prominent business leaders support CityU’s highly successful exhibition gallery
城大於11月5日把展覽館命名為「般哥展覽館」,以感謝哈利.般哥先生及太太Indra Banga對城大的支持和慷慨捐助。
Professor Xu Jialu, Vice-Chairman of the 10th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and renowned linguist, delivered a Distinguished Lecture titled “Zen, an exemplar of the compatibility of China and foreign cultures” at the Wei Hing Theatre, 18 October, 2004.
The Vice-Chairman of the 10th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and renowned linguist, Professor Xu Jialu, will be on campus to host a distinguished lecture on Zen, 18 October, 2004.
城大校長張信剛教授在緊迫的行政事務中,仍不忘與學生分享知識。10月7日,在擠滿了100多位聽衆的 中國文化中心(CCIV)視聽室,張教授分享了他對「伊斯蘭教傳入中土」的見解與觀察。他說自己是從一個好奇的觀察者的角度講述有關題目的,吸引了穆斯林與非穆斯林、學生及學者前來聽講。



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