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Rarely has a cultural festival exuded so much energy and zest in its opening ceremony. On 29 March, the "Hanbok Exhibition" opened in CityU's Run Run Shaw Library not only with a static display of the exquisite Korean national costume, but also a dynamic and potent demonstration of the traditional Korean martial art, Tae Kwon Do. Students and staff were given a sample of the Korean culture, from two different sides.
Four students taking elective French courses at City University's Division of Language Studies gained valuable experience and self-confidence by participating in the first ever French speech-writing contest organized by the Consulate-General of France in Hong Kong.
Around 40 students of the Division of Social Studies (DSS), who participated in a 10-day trip to Taipei and Beijing, shared their experiences on 12 March. The trip was a soul-searching journey during which students compared youth behaviour of Hong Kong, Taipei and Beijing, and reflected on their own roles in society.



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