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Hi President - A Dialogue with the President
Three venture capital funds and technology companies join HK Tech 300
城大與三間創投基金及科技企業簽署備忘錄,建立共同投資合作夥伴關係,額外向獲甄選的「HK Tech 300」的初創公司,合共提供每年至少1,500萬港元的天使投資。
Prof Sun Tong
CityU launches 1st nationwide HK Tech 300 Start-up Competition to promote start-up entrepreneurship in Hong Kong and mainland China Add to Default shortcuts Primary tabs
為進一步促進香港與內地的科創發展,實行「以賽促創」,城大宣佈於全國推出第一屆「HK Tech 300創新創業千萬大賽」。
Exemplary faculty honoured for excellence in teaching
Dear Colleagues, You will have heard by now about University Council's resolution on 25 November on the Report of the Independent Committee on Review of Recent Events in the School of Law (IC).
A highly-acclaimed expert on environmental sciences and a seminal figure in the development of China's environmental protection policies delivered a lecture on the development of world environmental protection in CityU's Distinguished Lecture Series on 14 November.
At the Congregation's fourth session on 13 November, the University conferred honorary degrees on three prominent and distinguished people.
The 17th Congregation marked a new chapter in the lives of this year's 6,864 graduates. Upon their shoulders rests the future, and CityU's President Professor H K Chang reminded them in his address, "You cannot plot out your life story and anything is possible," he said. "With hard work and determination you can succeed in anything you do and go anywhere you choose. The future is yours."



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