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Materials ranging from metal and cloth to wood and ropes and plastic were used to illustrate the artists' views of life in an exhibition showcasing the artwork of 27 first and second year students from CityU's School of Creative Media.
CityU's top students have been awarded scholarships, prizes and donations valued at more than $4 million for outstanding performances in academics, sports, art, and services last year.
If you think that teaching is the only thing teachers do these days, think again. Because one of the hottest and most challenging issues facing educators, particularly university professors and lecturers, is the task of motivating students to explore lifelong learning.
Eighteen Student Ambassadors have been recruited this year to continue promoting the University's image while enhancing community relations through learning and serving. "They are not just representing our University--they are our University," said Professor Edmond Ko, Vice-President of Education and one of the programme advisors, at the fourth Student Ambassadors Inauguration Ceremony on 5 March.



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