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Super permeable wearable electronics for stable, long-term biosignal monitoring
CityUHK collaborates in groundbreaking research to track livestock disease threats and support smarter One Health interventions
城大周德豐講座教授(健康一體化)兼健康一體化及政策應用研究中心主任Dirk Pfeiffer教授聯同跨學科專家,研發出電腦工具,用作追蹤禽流感病毒的傳播。
"Each city needs its own cultural positioning," Visiting Professor Dr Lung Yingtai, an influential Chinese writer of international stature and former Director of Taipei's Cultural Affairs Bureau, said. "Culture is not just about dancing and singing. It is an industry that forms an important part of a country's overall strength," she told more than 20 reporters in a press conference held at CityU, 27 August.



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