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More than 130 international accounting professionals shared their latest research and insights into contemporary accounting and auditing issues at CityU's Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics Symposium on 3 and 4 January.
With his thought-provoking discussion on cross-cultural collaboration and virtual learning, Professor Douglas Vogel, Chair Professor of Information Systems, gave his audience much to consider at his professorial inaugural lecture in the Wei Hing Theatre on 5 December.
To establish the significance of his information processing paradigm, Cellular Nonlinear Networks (CNN), Professor Leon Chua summoned Shakespeare: "There is a tide in the affairs of men/ Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;/ Omitted, all the voyage of their life/ Is bound in shallows and in miseries," (Julius Caesar IV iii).
If a group of management sciences professors at City University have their way, the Centa-City Index, a winner of CityU's prestigious Applied Research Excellence Awards in 2001, may become as widely accepted and creditable as the Hang Seng Index in measuring the territory's economic health.
Research and postgraduate education were the focus of CityU's ninth University Development Forum, held on 18 September. The open presentation gave four focus groups the opportunity to present their observations and members of staff the opportunity to provide feedback on the recommendations.



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