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Top electrical engineering scholar at CityU wins highly prestigious IEEE award
城大協理副校長(策略研究)兼電機工程學系講座教授謝智剛教授,榮獲2022年IEEE CASS Charles A. Desoer 科技成就獎,是首位獲此殊榮的香港學者。
Eminent US mathematicians awarded CityU’s William Benter Prize
城大頒授「William Benter應用數學獎」予兩位顯赫的數學家,以表彰他們對運用數學解決跨學科問題作出重大貢獻。
CityU co-hosts online science and tech conference with Nature journals; pre-launch for CityU’s HK Tech Forum
More than 70 final-year students of the Department of Management attended a workshop featuring some of Hong Kong's leading business leaders. “Creating Your Own Success – Insights from People Who Made It,”held 18 and 19 December, was the department's fourth Residential Workshop under its Career Development Programme aimed at better preparing graduating students for the real-world challenges ahead.



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