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Top electrical engineering scholar at CityU wins highly prestigious IEEE award
城大協理副校長(策略研究)兼電機工程學系講座教授謝智剛教授,榮獲2022年IEEE CASS Charles A. Desoer 科技成就獎,是首位獲此殊榮的香港學者。
Eminent US mathematicians awarded CityU’s William Benter Prize
城大頒授「William Benter應用數學獎」予兩位顯赫的數學家,以表彰他們對運用數學解決跨學科問題作出重大貢獻。
CityU co-hosts online science and tech conference with Nature journals; pre-launch for CityU’s HK Tech Forum
Professor Tracy Fullerton and Professor Chris Swain, researchers and teachers of game design at the School of Cinema-Television of the University of Southern California, ran a three-week intensive, hands-on game design course at CityU's School of Creative Media, to 7 July 2004.
In a workshop organized by the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, 20 to 22 July 2004, 38 secondary school participants learned the basics of mechatronic engineering and constructed miniature vehicles. Some outstanding works won the participating teams honors and prizes during a competition held on the last day of the workshop.
PhD student Mr Mei Yongfeng has won the 2004 Young Scientist Award from the European Materials Research Society in recognition of his outstanding research in microelectronics technology.



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