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Putonghua learners now will be able to master the tones and intonation more accurately thanks to new online Putonghua learning software developed by Ms Sze Mei, Lecturer in CityU's Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, and Dr Peng Gang, Research Fellow of the Department of the Electronic Engineering.
CityU’s Industrial Attachment Scheme celebrated another successful year, 23 September, with a HK$930,000 donation to the IAS from the Drs Richard Charles and Esther Yewpick Lee Charitable Foundation.
A recent survey on corporate governance practice in Hong Kong listed companies shows that investors reward companies with good corporate governance practices.
近年,由於越來越多研究強調奧米加三脂肪酸對人體的重要,市面上出現了不少含有這種成分的健康食品。DHA( 二十二碳文稀酸)是奧米加三脂肪酸中的一個主要成員,由於得到傳媒廣泛宣傳為有助嬰兒腦部發育,又可保護成年人的血液循環系統,已被視為有助提高聰慧的元素。
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an emerging technology expected to bring revolutionary development in the supply chain sector. A forum on “Advances in RFID Technology" at CityU on 30 March attracted over 100 academics, industrialists and business professionals craving new knowledge in the field.



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