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CityU educator promoting interdisciplinary English learning receives UGC Teaching Award
CityU confers Honorary Fellowships on four distinguished persons
Newly arrived CityU cattle set to produce ice cream and milk early next year
Advanced matter and materials the theme at the 3rd HK Tech Forum at CityU
城大香港高等研究院於9月19至20日舉行HK Tech Forum系列的先進功能和結構材料論壇。多位傑出學者及業內人士出席,分享研究成果並探討先進材料的發展。
CityU welcomes a new batch of HK TECH Tiger students
城大於9月19日舉行「HK TECH 老虎班」迎新典禮,歡迎新一屆近700名「HK TECH 老虎班」菁英學生加入城大,與他們攜手開展未來領袖之路。
CityU admits seven more student-athletes
CityU climbs to 29th in the world for most US patents granted to universities; tops among Hong Kong for the sixth consecutive year
City University of Hong Kong is rated seventh among the top 10 Chinese universities in the Greater China area, covering the mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. In the same study by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, CityU ranks 332 in the top 500 universities worldwide, the third highest Hong Kong institution on the list.
A select group of 107 form seven students recently had their very first taste of university life thanks to the Business Leadership Camp organized by the Faculty of Business. The camp was held 27 and 28 June, one week before the release of Hong Kong's Advanced Level Examination results. The participants were impressed by the academic excellence of the Faculty and of CityU. Many expressed an interest in joining the Faculty in September.
CityU fosters creative ties by bringing together young people with different cultural and social backgrounds — students from the School of Creative Media (SCM) and from the Beijing Film Academy (BFA).



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