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CityU marathon team led by President Kuo embodies spirit of excellence in academics and sports
CityU Art Festival 2021
城大於10月8日晚演出以「樂韻飛翔」為題的開幕音樂會,由著名大提琴演奏家王磊先生率領一眾香港年輕音樂家演出多首大師級樂曲,為10月8日至11月3日舉行的2021/ 2022城大藝術節揭開序幕。
Concertgoers were treated to a fine evening of Mozart on 24 February as the City University Philharmonic Orchestra performed its annual concert at the Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts.
In the morning, I was awakened by a cock crowing, instead of the annoying buzzing sound of my alarm clock. The air that I breathed was fresh and clean, unpolluted. There were no skyscrapers, so I had a panoramic view of the sky. I could also enjoy delicious, organically grown fruits and vegetables.



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