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電子工程學系博士研究生Ahmed Sharif憑藉有關環保無鉛焊料的研究,於「2004年電子封裝國際會議」中獲頒青年獎,而Ahmed是唯一獲獎的香港學生。
電子工程學系陳關榮講座教授獲IEEE電路與系統學會頒發2005年IEEE Guillemin-Cauer 最佳論文獎。
City University today announced the appointment of Professor Kevin Hewison, who recently joined the Department of Applied Social Studies, as the Director of the University's Southeast Asia Research Centre (SEARC). The SEARC, which is based in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, was established in September 2000. It is one of three new Faculty Research Centres set up by CityU last year.
CityU's Language Information Sciences Research Centre (LISRC) launched a Celebrity Roster for Chinese news media on the Web on 1 January 2001. Updated every fortnight, the Roster is an index of the top 25 most newsworthy celebrities who have appeared in the news media in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Beijing in the previous two weeks.



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