Visit by school heads

Michale Woloschuk


Principals and career masters from seven secondary schools were led on a campus tour on 14 May. 

The visit was one of the many activities organized by the Offices for Institutional Advancement to foster a spirit of co-operation with local secondary schools.

The group of representatives from Bishop Hall Jubilee School, Homantin Government Secondary School, New Method College, Sing Yin Secondary School, Buddhist Kok Kwong Secondary School, Immanuel Lutheran College and YWCA Hioe Tjo Yoeng College toured the Computing Services Centre, the Run Run Shaw Library and the School of Creative Media.

"I hope this tour will give the principals and career masters a better idea of the University's top-notch facilities," said Mrs Diana Ying, Associate Vice-President for Institutional Advancement, who led the tour.




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