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More than just an opportunity to bolster CityU's image among mainland and international universities, China Education Expo 2001 is giving CityU the opportunity to recruit the mainland's best and brightest students.
Linkage has been around for 200 issues. In order to understand our readers better, we invited colleagues to complete a readers' survey to tell us what they think about Linkage and how to make further improvements. A total of 44 staff gave us feedback and suggestions, which we really appreciate.
Linkage celebrated its 200th anniversary less than three weeks ago. The University Publications Office threw an open house party and a few dozen old friends and new acquaintances ambled into our office late one Friday afternoon.
公共及社會行政學系三年級學生彭三集(左圖),去年在澳洲梅鐸大學(Murdoch University)就讀七個月。期間他結識了很多不同國籍的新朋友,學會了如何尊重其他文化的價值,亦發覺自己比以前更加獨立。
CityU's 15th Anniversary Commemorative Album, titled Towards a New Era of Excellence, has won the 2000 Premier Print Award, also known as the Benny Award, in the "School Yearbook" category. The Benny Award, organized by the Printing Industries of America, Inc, is the largest and most prestigious competition in the printing industry worldwide.
CityU's Annual Report 1998-99 has won two top honours at the New York Annual Report Contest: a Gold Award each in the financial data and non-profit making organization categories.



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