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President Way Kuo talks about higher education at book launch
香港城市大學校長郭位教授應灼見名家傳媒的邀請,於7月17日出席香港書展,發佈因新冠疫情未及時在香港介紹的新書 Soulware: The American Way in China’s Higher Education, Wiley, New Jersey, May 2019,此書已被翻譯成日文在東京發行。所有版本的版稅全數捐作學生獎學金。
The joy of giving prevailed at the “Turn One to Five" celebration tea held in the Purple Zone of the Concourse, 21 September.
In a visit to Beijing 5-9 September 2004, a CityU delegation led by the President, Professor H K Chang, further strengthened the University’s collaboration with mainland partners in the areas of the humanities, social sciences, media and communications.



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