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The third technology transfer forum“Structural engineering for cost saving", co-organized by CityU and the Hong Kong Productivity Council on 21 May, disseminated the University’s mature technologies in building and construction.
CityU should consider making its presence felt in the western part of the Chinese mainland through close collaboration with Chongqing, according to Dr Zhu Guobin, who led a delegation of six to visit the rapidly developing municipality, 18-21 April.
CityU and the University of Paris Dauphine signed a cooperation agreement on 13 May to launch a joint Master of Science in Mathematics for Finance and Actuarial Science degree--the first of its kind in Hong Kong.
Fifteen CityU students from the Department of Building and Construction (BC), volunteered as architecture and cost planners in a student hostel re-development project in Guangxi province. The project, due to complete in October this year, will accommodate 288 primary students.



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