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Advanced matter and materials the theme at the 3rd HK Tech Forum at CityU
城大香港高等研究院於9月19至20日舉行HK Tech Forum系列的先進功能和結構材料論壇。多位傑出學者及業內人士出席,分享研究成果並探討先進材料的發展。
In a workshop organized by the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, 20 to 22 July 2004, 38 secondary school participants learned the basics of mechatronic engineering and constructed miniature vehicles. Some outstanding works won the participating teams honors and prizes during a competition held on the last day of the workshop.
PhD student Mr Mei Yongfeng has won the 2004 Young Scientist Award from the European Materials Research Society in recognition of his outstanding research in microelectronics technology.



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